Sultan tours museum dedicated to the achievements of Islam
Hakim Hayat & Dean Kassim in Istanbul, Turkey

As part of His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam's official five-day state visit to the Republic of Turkey, His Majesty went on a tour of the Museum of the History of Science and Technology in Islam, which was opened in 2008 and is based in Istanbul.

His Majesty was received upon arrival at the museum by its Director, Ali Karakus, who proceeded to personally show the monarch around the institution while briefing him on the myriad exhibits on display that showcased the scientific and technological discoveries and workings of Islamic scholars, which contributed to the formation of modern science with a root basis in Islamic culture.

At the end of His Majesty's tour, the monarch responded to inquiries from the Turkish ress, stating that he had enjoyed his visit and liked the museum very much.

His Majesty concluded his morning visits with a stop at the Basilica Cistern - a marvel of byzantine engineering built in the 6th Century and located beneath the streets of Istanbul for the purpose of providing water to the city - where he was welcomed and briefed by its Director, Mr Celatettin Deniztoker. - Borneo Bulletin (9 April 2012)
