Al-Quran guiding light, way of life for Muslims
Hakim Hayat

His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam extolled the guidance provided by al-Quran, saying that it does not dissuade its Ummah from modernisation and development, on condition that the Ummah does not deviate away from Islamic teachings or law.

Apart from supporting prosperity and modernisation, His Majesty added, it also serves to maintain well-being and constantly steer clear from destruction of the earth and is on the same wavelength as Allah the Almighty's reminder in Surah Ar-Rum, Verse 41 which translates into "we have seen destruction on earth and in the oceans, in the hands of humans".

His Majesty delivered a titah at the National Al-Quran Reading Competition for Adults Finals 1433 Hijrah/2012M at the International Convention Centre (ICC) in Berakas last night.

Accompanying His Majesty were HRH Prince Haji Al-Muhtadee Billah, the Crown Prince and Senior Minister at the Prime Minister's Office, HRH Prince Mohamed Bolkiah, HRH Prince Haji Sufri Bolkiah and other members of the royal family.

Apart from modernisation, His Majesty said, the holy Quran also contains teachings on human development "because it is the very essence to perfect modernisation or physical development" as explained in a Firman by Allah the Almighty that human destruction itself is caused by vice and manipulation inflicted upon by themselves.

"Otherwise, if they (human beings) are pious and God-fearing, Allah the Almighty will surely reward them with blessings."

Earlier in the titah, His Majesty related to al-Quran readings, whereby the monarch said if it is read with a melodious tone of voice, it creates an effect which can touch one's soul. "It does not only bring about peace and piety, it also induces a healthy inspiration. Apart from this, the Quran can also treat and cure all illnesses," the monarch added.

The ruler added that the Quran is not just for reading, but all its teachings are to be heeded.

Referring to the theme of the National Al-Quran Reading Competition for Adults Finals this year - Al-Quran as a guide to human holistic perfection - the monarch said it is pertinent to the Quran's intention, as a guide to humans. "Those who follow its teachings will attain prosperity and bliss. Conversely, those who are reluctant will despair and self-destruct," the monarch added.

His Majesty added that if Muslims strongly stand for and practise the teachings of al-Quran, Allah the Almighty will raise their eminence.

"There are no shortcuts for the Ummah to recoup its golden age other than the renaissance of the Quran, by using it as a guidance and for a holistic way of life," His Majesty said.

In concluding his titah, His Majesty congratulated all the participants, especially those who have made it through the competition until the finals last night. For the Qari and Qariah champions, His Majesty placed hopes that they would constantly improve until their intended success levels. - Borneo Bulletin (4 May 2012)
