Call to embrace core values
By James Kon

His Royal Highness Prince General Haji Al-Muhtadee Billah, the Crown Prince and Senior Minister at the Prime Minister's Office, and General of the Royal Brunei Armed Forces (RBAF) yesterday urged all armed forces personnel to instil the importance of military ethics as well as embrace core values.

The General said this in a sabda at the Sovereign's Parade Ceremony for the Fourth Intake Officer Cadets at the Parade Square of the RBAF Officer Cadet School (OCS) in Sungai Akar Camp.

His Royal Highness said, "Along with the ability and skill of a leader, it is also necessary to inculcate the importance of military ethics while embracing the core values in each and every personnel of the Royal Brunei Armed Forces as the basis of strength and stability in our military institutions. The core values serve as guidance to the behaviour of a leader who is a 'role model' in providing a good example as well as motivation to other personnel.

"At the same time, the leadership characteristics are also important in helping to focus efforts towards achieving the mission and vision of defence, much more so in defending national sovereignty, which is one huge responsibility and it requires a strong discipline level and not easily be shaken.

"The basis are pure practice of faith that is in line with the Officer Cadet School motto of faithful, righteous and courageous," His Royal Highness added.

"The development of leadership skills and self-confidence instilled through training and tests from the aspects of physical endurance, emotional and spiritual, will not end here. The experience and lessons learned will continue to remain in each individual. This is the importance of the military services in providing priority to a comprehensive long-term career planning through training and education plans that are specific and systematic," the General added.

"With proper planning," His Royal Highness said, "the progress of officers as military leaders will continue to increase from time to time and directly contribute towards the development of the Royal Brunei Armed Forces."

For a second time, a female officer cadet managed to grab the most prestigious "Sword of Honour" award. 21623 Officer Cadet Dayang Siti Nur Irmaya binti Yahya has demonstrated that women could also compete with male counterparts.

On the female officer cadet's achievement, His Royal Highness said, "Each of the officer cadet intake has recorded his or her own milestone that has become the benchmark for the development of the Officer Cadet School. The intake this time has demonstrated a growing success of female officer cadets in a very challenging career after another female cadet officer has managed to grab the top position in training and received the award of Sword of Honour. This has proven that females too have the ability to compete in any field of the military.

"We also welcome the effort of the Officer Cadet School for continuously expanding its scope of training to encourage the participation of graduates from various fields. This includes training of military medicine cadets overseas and training of Aero Engineers together with the Royal Brunei Air Force.

"It is the first time that Officer Cadet School has produced a military medical officer and also another in the field of engineering. The current development in the school and the defence academy in general clearly reflects the rapid development of Royal Brunei Armed Forces that covers various aspects of defence and military.

"The Officer Cadet School," His Royal Highness further said, "is also one of the national institutions which is capable of offering various training modules in the fields of knowledge that open career opportunities in almost every skills and qualifications. The development is hoped to attract the interest of graduates who have the qualification and expertise in any fields to come forward to choose a career with the army and serve in the Royal Brunei Armed Forces," said HRH.

His Royal Highness also recorded his appreciation to all the officers and instructors of the Officer Cadet School as well as the teaching workforce of the Royal Brunei Armed Forces in playing a huge role in training and shaping the officer cadets as credible leaders with calibre.

His Royal Highness also urged instructors to always upgrade their skills as well as continue to expand their knowledge in their respective field. "The instructors," His Royal Highness said, "also need to learn and understand diverse guidelines, good assessment in the ability of their trainers as well as the use of suitable methods to optimise their lessons."

With the capability and ability to think creatively and ready to accept any suggestions, His Royal Highness said, can open more room for them to improve the level of professionalism and teaching ability. "Towards this, I hope that the Officer Cadet School will organise continuous training development programmes to raise the capability of the instructors to a higher level." - Borneo Bulletin (18th February 2011)
