By James Kon
His Royal Highness Prince General Haji Al-Muhtadee Billah, the Crown Prince, Senior Minister at the Prime Minister's Office and General of the Royal Brunei Armed Forces (RBAF) yesterday officiated the Sovereign's Parade ceremony for the 2nd intake officer cadets at the Parade Square of the RBAF's Officer Cadet School (OCS), Sungai Akar Camp. Seventeen officer cadets have successfully completed the 42-week course.
Upon arrival at the OCS Parade Square, His Royal Highness was greeted by Pehin Datu Singamanteri Colonel (Rtd) Dato Seri Paduka Haji Mohammad Yasmin bin Hj Umar and Major General Haji Aminuddin Ihsan bin Pehin Orang Kaya Saiful Mulok Datu Seri Paduka Hj Abidin, the Commander of RBAF.
His Royal Highness then inspected the static guard of honour mounted by 26 personnel from the Second Battalion of the Royal Brunei Land Force before being accorded the Royal Salute and inspection of the 2nd Intake Officer Cadets parade of 17 officer cadets comprising 15 male officer cadets and two female officer cadets.
Also participating in the parade were 27 officer cadets from the 3rd intake comprising 30 male officer cadets and seven female officer cadets who are due to complete the training in July 2010. The parade was commanded by 699 Captain (U) Pengiran Irwandi bin Pengiran Haji Chuchu.
His Royal Highness then witnessed a slow and fast march past.
After delivering a sabda, His Royal Highness presented awards to the recipients.
The first award recipient was the winner of the Sword of Honour Award, 21496 Officer Cadet (U) Dayangku Nurazriana binti Pengiran Hassanan. She is the first female officer cadet ever to be presented with such an award and she will also be the first female officer to undergo pilot training in RBAF.
The Sword of Honour symbolises the most prestigious award given to an officer cadet bestowed by His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam as the Minister of Defence and Supreme Commander of the Royal Brunei Armed Forces.
The Sword of Honour Award also signifies the pillar of utmost brilliance for the officer cadet participant who fulfills the condition and criteria to qualify for the award such as attaining apex achievement in the basic military training, academic, physical and all aspects in the second phase training. The recipient must also possess strong and exemplary characteristics as an officer in terms of steadfast leadership, as well as demonstrate an upbeat personality from the beginning until the end of the training at the RBAF Officer Cadet School.
Meanwhile, the Best Overall in Academic Award was presented to 18919 Officer Cadet (U) Hj Muhd Faiz bin Hj Mohamad, who has successfully attained the top result in the overall academic study that covers essay writing, oral presentations, examinations and broad knowledge in current affairs. The award is based on the progressive overall academic result throughout the training duration.
The Best Military Skills Award went to 17452 Officer Cadet (L) Mohd Hydzir Zuhdi bin Hj Sulaiman, who has been selected among the best in the most excellent achievement in all military skill subjects. Assessment for the award is based on the highest cumulative percentage for all military skills subjects.
The final award - the Best in Physical Training Endurance Award - was presented to 18912 Officer Cadet Awangku Muhd Hadi Muiz bin Pengiran Hj Ismail who has achieved an outstanding physical training accomplishment throughout the training period. The most essential criteria are possession of unyielding physical resilience, consistency in performance and demonstrating positive progress over time in all physical training activities.
His Royal Highness then went to the Officer's Mess where the Crown Prince received a pesambah illustrating "The Beginning of a New Chapter".
His Royal Highness was introduced to all the 2nd intake officer cadets and their families before being presented with a special copy of a newsletter produced by the officer cadets. The newsletter features a collection of activities and trainings conducted throughout the 42-week course. This was followed by the signing of a newsletter and royal parchments by His Royal Highness.
The ceremony concluded with His Royal Highness receiving the 'Junjung Ziarah' from Officer Cadet School instructors and a group photo session.
- Borneo Bulletin
(15th January 2010)