3 locals compose songs to merrier Royal Wedding events

The Royal wedding between His Majesty’s daughter, Her Royal Highness Princess Hajah Majeedah Nuurul Bolkiah with Yang Mulia Pengiran Khairul Khalil bin Pengiran Syed Haji Jaafari, is nearing its climax. The rakyat and residents in the country will be able to witness the culmination of the Royal Wedding this Sunday, with the procession of the Royal Couple around the capital. Meanwhile, the Istiadat Berjaga-Jaga continues to be held at Istana Nurul Iman and Darul Karamah. Stage performances in the form of cultural and religious were also being held.

Another event to add to the festivities was the production of an album entitles, ‘Sulaman Kasih’. The album featured songs specially written for the royal couple by three local composers. The album was produced by Awang Hasnan Suhaili. One of the songs ‘Semarak Kasih’ was written by Dato Paduka Haji Alidin bin Haji Osman.

‘Selamat Pengantin Puteri Diraja’ was written by Datin Hajah Maimunah Omar and ‘Berbahagialah Pengantin Diraja’ was written by Haji Morshidi Haji Salleh. (9th June 2007)
