Royal family at Maulud gathering
By Kartika Rahman
Photo: Info Dept

Her Majesty Raja Isteri Pengiran Anak Hajah Saleha, HRH Pengiran Isteri Azrinaz Mazhar and other members of the royal family joined some 2,000 local Muslim women at a Women's Special Gathering to Commemorate Maulud 1428 Hijrah at Plenary Hall, International Convention Centre in Berakas.
Upon arrival, members of the royal family were greeted by the organising committee's chairperson, Pengiran Anak Datin Hajah Masnah binti Pengiran Anak Safiuddin, and other members, which comprised representatives of the Ministry of Religious Affairs, the Ministry of Defence and the Women's Council.
The ceremony began with a recital of a verse from Al-Quran by Dayang Amal Nazirah binti Haji Asmat, the winner of Qari'sah Musabaqah Tilawah Al-Quran 2006 Youth Nationals.
Then, a welcoming speech was delivered by Pengiran Anak Datin Hajah Masnah, who is also Senior Special Duties Officer at the Ministry of Religious Affairs.
"Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) made many changes to defend and raise the prestige of women, so that to this day, women are given the rights to play the role of contributing to the importance of Islam and Ummah," she said.
"Upon the honour that has been bestowed to us, we must take the opportunity to show dedication and to work together to develop the nation with teachings of Islam."
A special sermon was then presented by Dr Robiah binti Kulp Hamzah from Malaysia on "Influence and Involvement of Women Towards Strengthening Iltizam of a Religious Way of Life".
The highlight of the event was the announcement of three recipients of "Anugerah Bakti Hijrah Khas Wanita": Dayang Hajah Siti Zahrah binti Kimong, Dayang Hajah Taibah binti Kudi, and Dayang Hajah Husnah binti Abdul Wahab. Her Majesty consented to present certificates of appreciation to Dayang Hajah Siti Zahrah and Dayang Hajah Taibah, while Her Royal Highness consented to present a certificate of appreciation to Dayang Hajah Husnah.
All three recipients also each received $10,000, a memento, free medical treatment at the first class ward of any public hospital in the country. Following the presentation of certificates was a Dikir Marhaban performed by officers and staff of the Ministry of Religious Affairs, the Ministry of Defence and the Women's Council.
To bless the occasion organised by the Ministry of Religious Affairs, the Ministry of Defence and the Women's Council, a doa selamat was recited by Datin Hajah Maznah binti Haji Mohammad.
- Borneo Bulletin
(8th April 2007)