Nightly vigil on Royal Wedding occasions continue
Photo: Info Dept

The Malam Berjaga-jaga or nightly vigil on the occasion of the Royal Wedding continued last night at the Istana Nurul Iman and the Darul Karamah. The ceremony at the Istana Nurul Iman was held in the presence of Yang Amat Mulia Pengiran Lela Cheteria Sahibun Najabah Pengiran Anak Haji Abdul Aziz. Also present were Pengiran-Pengiran Cheteria, Cabinet Ministers and Deputy Ministers, Pengiran-Pengiran Peranakan, Pehin-Pehin Manteri and Senior Government Officials. A total of 150 people comprising officers and religious teachers as well as lecturers from the Seri Begawan Religious Teachers University College presented the dikir. Several State Dignitaries and Senior Government Officials show their talents in poetry recitation.
At another part of the palace, the women congregants comprising women associations from the Brunei Muara and Belait Districts as well as officers and religious teachers presented the dikir Asma Al-Husna, Berzanji and recitation of the Holy Quran. Present were wives of Pengiran-Pengiran Cheteria, Cabinet Ministers and Deputy Ministers, Pengiran-Pengiran Peranakan, Pehin-Pehin Manteri and Senior Government Officials. Doa Selamat to bless the occasion was read by the State Mufti, Pehin Dato Paduka Seri Setia Ustaz Haji Abdul Aziz bin Juned.
The Istiadat Berjaga-Jaga also took place at the Darul Karamah in Kampung Beribi, the residence of the bridegroom. Dikir presentations were performed by Mosque officials as well as religious officers and teachers with the women engaged in the traditional game of ‘congkak’ and also chess. Pehin Dato Paduka Seri Setia Haji Salim bin Haji Besar read the Doa Selamat.
(7th June 2007)