Sultan at Berbedak ceremony
By Azlan Othman, Za'im Zaini & Sonia K
Photo: Info Dept

The royal engagement gifts for the royal wedding were received yesterday afternoon in the presence of His Royal Highness Prince Hj Sufri Bolkiah.
The ceremony called the "Istiadat Menghantar and Menerima Pertunangan Diraja" began at the Darul Karamah, the residence of the groom in Jln Beribi, before the delegation headed towards the bride's place at Istana Nurul Iman.
It all started with Pehin Orang Kaya Maharaja Kerna Dato Paduka Seri Awg Hj Yaakub telling YAM Pg Maharaja Setia Laila Diraja Sahibul Irshad Pg Anak Hj Abdul Rahim that the ceremony was ready to proceed, who in turn told Pehin Dato Awg Hj Yaakub to inform HRH that the ceremony was ready to start.
Pg Anak Hj Abdul Rahim led the delegation for the engagement ceremony to the Istana Nurul Iman. Also in the entourage was a young girl wearing traditional accessories such as 'gelang pengaluan', 'gelang geronchong', 'kanching', 'puntu azimat' and 'jamang' as her headgear. She was accompanied by a young boy dressed in local costume.
The royal engagement gifts on brass receptacles consisted of the surat mahar or letter of dowry, a pair of bangles, a pair of earrings, dresses, rings, 'ceramai', 'kelakati' and a knife.
Forty youths bore the janars on their right shoulders and females carried royal regalia such as 'kaskol' and 'langguai'. Sixteen ceremonial candles were also carried along with other royal regalia such as 12 'senipit', six 'pedang' and 'perisai', six 'tumbak bendarangan' and four 'kabok' and 'panastan'.
The entourage then proceeded to the Istana Nurul Iman where the 'Istiadat Menerima Pertunangan Diraja' or royal engagement gifts ceremony was held.
At the Istana Nurul Iman, the delegation led by YAM Pg Maharaja Setia Laila Diraja Sahibul Irshad Pg Anak Hj Abdul Rahim was greeted upon arrival by Pg Penggawa Laila Bentara Istiadat Diraja Dalam Istana Pg Haji Alauddin, as well as Pehin Jawatan Dalam Seri Maharaja Dato Seri Utama (Dr) Hj Awang Mohd Jamil Al-Sufri.
Upon arrival, the ceremonial gifts were carried by Pengarah Awang Jaini and Pengarah Awg Haji Kilali accompanied by a "muda-muda" or young man, who then handed over the ceremonial gifts to Damong Awg Haji Ahmad and Pengarah Awg Haji Abdul Rahman accompanied by a 'muda muda'. This was followed by 17 shots of the cannon.
YAM Pg Maharaja Setia Laila Diraja Sahibul Irshad Pg Anak Hj Abdul Rahim was then led to the Baitur Rahmah by Pehin Penyurat Awg Maidin and Pehin Penyurat Haji Awg Osman accompanied by Pengiran Penggawa Laila Bentara Istiadat Diraja Dalam Istana Pg Haji Alauddin.
The delegation that followed with the engagement gifts to Baitur Rahmah comprised the young girl carried by Damong Awang Haji Ahmad and the young boy carried by Pengarah Awg Haji Abdul Rahman and accompanied by young men.
The delegation also included a 'Pengiran Perempuan' wearing the 'Gadong', a 'Dayang-Dayang' carrying 'Kaskol Langguai' accompanied by 'Pengiran Pengiran Empat', and seven 'Pengiran Pengiran Empat' and a 'Dayang-Dayang' carrying the 'Kaskol Langguai', and an 'Awang-Awang' carrying the Gangsa containing the 'Surat Mahar' or Berian (gifts), which comprised a pair of bangles, a pair of ear rings, dresses, rings, 'ceramai', 'kelakati' and a knife, as well as 16 candles carried by 16 'Awang-Awang' led by 12 sinipit.
Many royal regalia items were also carried including eight swords, eight shields, tumbak Bendarangan and four kabok and Panastan.
All the gifts were taken to the centre of the ceremonial hall. Pehin Dato Hj Awang Hussain then conveyed the message to YAM Pg Lela Cheteria Sahibun Najabah Pg Anak Hj Abdul Aziz that the ceremony was ready to begin and was given permission to begin the proceedings.
YAM Pg Anak Haji Abdul Rahim then presented the pesambah from Pg Syed Hj Jaafari (the father of the groom) consisting of the young girl and the boy, as well as 25 brass receptacles and 40 janar to YAM Pg Lela Cheteria Sahibun Najabah Pg Anak Hj Abdul Aziz to be presented to His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam, Her Majesty Raja Isteri and Her Royal Highness Pengiran Isteri.
YAM Pg Lela Cheteria Sahibun Najabah Pg Anak Hj Abdul Aziz then asked Pehin Dato Hj Awg Hussain to present the engagement gifts to His Majesty.
Pehin Dato Hj Awg Hussain then informed YAM Pg Lela Cheteria Sahibun Najabah Pg Anak Haji Abdul Aziz that the engagement gifts have been presented, following which YAM Pg Lela Cheteria Sahibun Najabah Pg Anak Hj Abdul Aziz gave his permission to conclude the ceremony. A doa selamat was read by Pehin Khatib Awang Haji Mustafa.
The youths that carried the brass receptacles then conducted the "menyalin gangsa" ceremony. Sixteen ceremonial candles were placed at the centre along with other royal regalia.
Pg Anak Hj Abdul Rahim then informed HRH Prince Hj Sufri Bolkiah that the delegations had been to the bride's place at the Istana Nurul Iman.
A doa selamat was then read. Pg Anak Hj Abd Rahim then told Pehin Dato Awg Hj Yaakub to inform HRH that the ceremony had been completed.
- Borneo Bulletin
(5th June 2007)