Royalty graces Korban ceremony at MoD
By Kartika Rahman

Her Royal Highness Princess Hajah Majeedah Nuurul Bulqiah graced a Korban ceremony at the Ministry of Development yesterday.

Organised by the Department of Housing Development, this year's Korban ceremony for the ministry and departments under it, was chaired by the Director of the Department, Awang Haji Mat Salleh bin Haji Matussin. Six buffaloes were sacrificed with donations from 42 officers from the ministry.

Also present was Development Minister, Pehin Dato Haji Awg Abdullah bin Mudim Dato Paduka Haji Bakar, who as the guest of honour presented Korban meat to the recipients.

Meanwhile, the Deputy Minister of Development, Dato Paduka Dr Haji Mat Suny bin Haji Mohd Hussein, presented Korban meat to selected recipients from Mukim Berakas 'B'.

The event also saw a special religious talk by Mohd Adi Zaki bin Haji Matasim, Lecturer at Islamic Dakwah Centre, Ministry of Religious Affairs.

Whilst fulfilling Islamic duty, the event, which was an annual ceremony, sought to further strengthen ties between officers and staff at the ministry. (4th January 2007)
