Launch of Radio Brunei Golden Jubilee
By Za'im Zaini & Azrol Azmi
Photo: Info Dept

His Royal Highness Prince Haji Al-Muhtadee Billah, the Crown Prince, Deputy Sultan and Senior Minister at the Prime Minister's Office, yesterday consented to launch the 50th anniversary celebrations or Golden Jubilee of Radio Brunei at the Dewan Raya of Radio Television Brunei.
His Royal Highness was greeted by the Deputy Minister at the Prime Minister's Office, Dato Seri Paduka Awg Haji Eusoff Agaki.
The event began with the recitation of the Surah al-Faithah followed by welcoming remarks by Pengiran Dato Paduka Haji Ismail, Permanent Secretary at the Prime Minister's Office.
He said, "Brunei Darussalam will be using the standard digital video broadcasting terrestrial, DVB-T, for its digital television broadcasting. Broadcasting is currently in the form of analogue".
He added, "The first phase of the new RTB complex in Sungai Akar is expected to be completed next year. This will bring RTB to another milestone in its meaningful development in the arena of broadcasting".
On Radio Brunei, the permanent secretary said, "It all began 50 years ago during Hari Raya. May 2, 1957 is an important point for broadcasting in Brunei Darussalam as on that day, the words 'Inilah Radio Brunei' or 'This is Radio Brunei' echoed across this beloved nation".
Now Radio Brunei serves five radio networks with 24-hour service.
The development of these five radio networks is a continuous effort of the management of Radio Television Brunei in offering radio services that are relevant in fulfilling the tastes of listeners.
Radio Brunei, he noted, "is not exempted in the flow of technological developments. Radio Brunei began broadcasting in an analogue format. The FM stereo format was introduced in the 70s and now, a trial in Digital DAB format broadcasting has begun."
Radio Brunei has also entered the Internet world with the launch of NetRadio in 1999.
The birth of Radio Brunei is not only the beginning of broadcasting in the country, it was also proof that the government, from the beginning, realises the importance of good relations between the government and the citizens in developing the nation.
This policy has gone through various developments, however it has become the platform to generate a peaceful and competitive country.
Information sharing by the government with the people reflects one of the characteristics of the sincerity of the government.
Through this process, the people not only become informed but also realise their responsibility in instilling the aspirations of the country.
"I realise the heavy challenges faced by Radio Brunei in providing information, educating and at the same time, entertaining. As the official government media, Radio Brunei has made efforts in broadcasting information that is precise and responsible as well as producing interesting programmes."
"Previously Radio Brunei is the only source of information for the public, however now it has to compete with other informative and entertaining media in a competitive environment."
"Thus Radio Brunei and RTB in general, must be creative in producing programmes as well as offering various programmes which suit the various tastes of listeners."
After the welcoming remarks, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince and Deputy Sultan consented to view a video on the history of the transition of Radio Brunei.
This was followed by the presentation of a Pesambah to His Royal Highness.
His Royal Highness also signed a plaque and viewed an exhibition showcasing, among others, old and modern radio sets, radio transmitters, vinyl records and Radio Brunei's history.
The exhibition is open to the public from May 2 to May 6 between 9am and 5pm.
This was followed by a visit to the radio studios of Nur Islam Network and Pilihan FM.
- Borneo Bulletin
(3rd May 2007)