Gendang Jaga-Jaga for Royal Wedding begins
By Azlan Othman, Za'im Zaini and Azaraimy HH
Photo: Info Dept

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince Pg Muda Hj Al-Muhtadee Billah yesterday attended the opening of 'Gendang Jaga-Jaga' for the royal wedding between Her Royal Highness Princess Hajah Majeedah Nuurul Bulqiah and YM Pengiran Khairul Khalil bin Pengiran Syed Hj Jaafari at the Lapau ceremonial hall in the capital.
The ceremony highlighted the richness of the sultanate's ancient royal customs and traditions used for heralding special occasions like a royal wedding.
The ceremony commenced after Pehin Orang Kaya Digadong Seri Lela Dato Seri Paduka Dr Hj Awg Hussain informed YAM Pg Lela Cheteria Sahibun Najabah Pg Anak Hj Abdul Aziz that the ceremony was to ready to proceed who later conveyed to HRH the Crown Prince Pg Muda Hj Al-Muhtadee Billah that such ceremony was ready to start.
The ceremony involves a high ranking male court official or 'Ketua Juru Laki' entering the Lapau ceremonial hall towards the throne like room to bear the 'Nakara' which is one of the traditional instruments played by the royal court musicians during this occasion.
It was later followed by the drumming of the 'Nakara' and playing of 'Serunai', a type of wind instrument, drumming of the 'Labik', a cylindrical drum and beating of the 'Gongs' and 'Chanang'. A 21-cannon blast also echoed around the Lapau ceremonial hall.
After the auspicious ceremony in Lapau, an entourage bringing the Gendang Jaga-jaga led by Pehin Orang Kaya Digadong Seri Lela Dato Seri Paduka Dr Haji Awang Hussain then made their way for Darul Keramah, the groom's place.
The ceremony that took place at Darul Keramah was fitted with the rich Brunei customs, where details of royal wedding during the Gendang Berjaga-jaga ceremony was observed. Local media personnel from both government and private sectors were present to record the memorable event.
Before the arrival of the entourage to bring the Gendang Jaga-Jaga to Darul Karamah, YAM Pengiran-Pengiran Cheteria, Cabinet Ministers, members of legislative council, Deputy Ministers, Pengiran-Pengiran Peranakan, Pehin-Pehin Menteri, Menteri-Menteri Hulubalang and Pendalaman, Foreign diplomats, Permanent Secretaries and Head of Departments and guests arrived.
As the guests arrived and were seated, those who were entitled were given the "Bintang Petian".
The entourage bringing the Gendang Jaga-Jaga led by Pehin Orang Kaya Digadong Seri Lela Dato Seri Paduka Dr Haji Awang Hussain arrived.
HRH Pengiran Bendahara Seri Maharaja Permaisuara Pengiran Muda Haji Sufri Bolkiah was greeted by YAM Pengiran Maharaja Setia Laila Diraja Sahibul Irshad Pengiran Anak Haji Abdul Rahim on arrival after which HRH Prince Haji Sufri Bolkiah was led to a special room. Also greeting HRH Prince Haji Sufri Bolkiah was YAM Pengiran Sanggamara Diraja Major General (Rtd) Pengiran Haji Ibnu Ba'asith, YAM Pengiran Setia Negara Pengiran Haji Mohd Yusuf and YM Pengiran Syed Haji Jaafari bin Pengiran Syed Haji Mashor.
The ceremony then began where Pehin Orang Kaya Digadong Seri Lela Dato Seri Paduka Dr Haji Awang Hussain informed YAM Pengiran Anak Rahim that the ceremony was ready to proceed, Pehin Orang Kaya Maharaja Kerna Dato Paduka Seri Awang Haji Yaakub conveyed to HRH Prince Haji Sufri Bolkiah that the ceremony was ready to begin. Thus HRH Prince Hj Sufri Bolkiah consented for the ceremony to proceed.
- Borneo Bulletin
(3rd June 2007)