Youths lauded as nation's think tank
By Azrol Azmi & Lyna Mohamad

His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam viewed the National Youth Day as the nation's recognition for the youths' contribution to the country while calling the youths as a component of national development and dynamic stakeholders for the survival of the nation and race.

His Majesty said this in a titah during the second National Youth Day celebration held at the Indoor Stadium yesterday morning.

Also present at the ceremony were His Royal Highness Prince Haji Al-Muhtadee Billah, the Crown Prince and Senior Minister at the Prime Minister's Office, and His Royal Highness Prince Haji 'Abdul 'Azim.

"Based on their formal and complete education, they are the think tank so there is no doubt that they can think big for (the benefit of) the community.

"Education however," said the ruler "could also make a person act the opposite especially if what he or she has learnt is not used constructively.

"Proper education will generate a mature youth and the identity of a mature youth is one who is active and shuns sinful acts," His Majesty said.

The monarch added that the youth have certain advantages and potential to be more active in events for the benefit of the community.

"They have a special potential in terms of age, and their strong physical and mental aspects. If these aspects are used purposefully, they would bring benefits to the community and nation," His Majesty said.

His Majesty also said that views from the intelligent and able-bodied people should not be neglected. Even though the youth are equipped with amazing abilities such as thinking and creativity, they may not possess the judging ability in other aspects.

"The same also applies to the ability to implement, as they may not have the ability to advise. This needs to be taken note of by everyone," said His Majesty and added that the youth and those who are experienced should cooperate among each other.

With such cooperation, all of us would feel respected and there wouldn't be any individual who could see himself as not being appreciated, His Majesty said.

"While we have labelled the youth as a progressive and active group, we shouldn't neglect the role of others," reminded His Majesty.

His Majesty expressed his gratitude to all the youth for their contribution to the society and national development and hoped it would be continued in the future. - Borneo Bulletin (2nd August 2007)
