Prince Mohamed at Retreat

His Royal Highness Prince Mohamed Bolkiah, His Majesty's Special Envoy to the Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting in Kampala, Uganda on Friday morning attended the first CHOGM executive session in which leaders reviewed global developments and the challenges faced by small states.

The first session concluded with reports on the implementation of mandates given at CHOGM 2005 in Malta. In the afternoon, His Royal Highness joined others at the first Retreat at Munyonyo Commonwealth Resort. HRH accompanied by YAM Pg Anak Mansurah Izzul Bolkiah later in the evening attended the reception and dinner hosted by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

Commonwealth Secretary-General Don Mckinnon said heads of government spent the weekend on the shores of Lake Victoria. No officials may accompany them into their talks at Munyonyo, and far less any television cameras. They were free to talk as they please, and to address what concerns them. The decisions they take will touch the lives of many. Inclusiveness for the neediest is born of the fact that 800 million people in the Commonwealth live in dollar-a day-poverty. Two-thirds of the world's unschooled children and two-thirds of those who suffer from HIV/AIDS are Commonwealth citizens. - Borneo Bulletin (25th Nov 2007)
