Royal congratulatory messages on occasion of the emperor of Japan's birthday

His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam has consented to send congratulatory messages to His Imperial Majesty Akihito, the Emperor of Japan, and to the Prime Minister of Japan, Mr Yasuo Fukuda, on the occasion of the emperor's birthday.

In his messages, His Majesty expressed satisfaction with the warm relations that continue to be developed between the two countries. His Majesty hoped that this would be maintained and enhanced in the future for the good of the two countries and the people.

His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam also hoped that His Imperial Majesty Akihito would always remain in good health and happiness, and that the people of Japan always enjoy continued progress and prosperity.

In a message to Japan's Prime Minister, His Majesty congratulated Mr Yasuo Fukuda, the government and the people of Japan on the occasion. His Majesty also wished Mr Fukuda continued good health and happiness.

His Royal Highness Prince Mohamed Bolkiah, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, has also sent a similar message to his Japanese counterpart, Masahiko Koumura, on the occasion of the Emperor's birthday.

His Royal Highness sent respects to His Imperial Majesty and to the royal family, together with his best wishes and warmest congratulations to Japan's Foreign Affairs Minister.

His Royal Highness expressed appreciation over the outstanding developments that have taken place between the two countries over the past year, and anticipation on working with Mr Koumura in strengthening the two countries' much-valued ties of friendship and cooperation. - Borneo Bulletin (23rd Dec 2007)
