His Majesty at 14th Civil Service Day celebration
By Azaraimy HH

Some 3,500 government officers and staff, as well as representatives from private sector congregated at the International Convention Centre for the 14th Civil Service Day celebration yesterday morning.

This year's celebration, which carries the theme "Menjulang Kepimpinan Laila Kesejahteraan" (upholding the leadership that aspires the nation's prosperity), was graced by His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam and other members of the royal family.

The Public Services Department said that the theme is indicative of the prosperity and well-being of the people and the country brought about by His Majesty's national vision.

After the national anthem was sung in the Plenary Hall by the Public Services Choir, an al-Quran recital was read by Dyg Hjh Suriati bte Hj Md Ali, the winner of this year's Inter-Ministry Quran Reading Competition For Women. The presence of a 'Qariah' or female reader at this year's celebration was to highlight that women also have an equally important role to play in the civil service.

Welcoming remarks were delivered by the Chairman of the Committee for the 14th Civil Service Day Celebration, Dato Paduka Hj Mustappa bin Hj Sirat, the Permanent Secretary at the Prime Minister's Office.

After His Majesty delivered a titah, the Public Service Oath was read by the Director-General of Public Service, Awang Sa Bali bin Hj Abas, and 40 administrative officers to symbolise the 40th anniversary of His Majesty's ascension to the throne as the 29th Sultan of Brunei.

The Civil Service Choir then presented a Civil Service video clip highlighting developments in public service delivery over the past 40 years under His Majesty's leadership.

After the results of the National 'Kumpulan Kerja Cemerlang' Convention 2007 were announced, His Majesty consented to present prizes to the 11 groups who were placed under the 'Silver Category'. Meanwhile, the other 17 teams who placed under the 'Bronze Category' will receive their awards during the Brunei-Muara District Level Civil Service Day celebration.

As the Civil Service Day is also meant to celebrate and recognise the contributions of civil servants who have reached retirement age, His Majesty also consented to present the Service Record to 11 senior government officers who retired this year.

A 'doa selamat' was recited by Pehin Dato Paduka Seri Setia Ustaz Hj Awg Abdul Aziz bin Juned.

His Majesty also toured the Public Services Exhibition at the Concourse Area of the ICC exhibiting customer-friendly aspects of public service delivery. - Borneo Bulletin (11th Nov 2007)
