Local businesses promote products at IHP Expo 2006
By Azaraimy HH

A variety of halal products are on display at the Sultanate's first International Halal Products Expo 2006 (IHP 2006) at the ICC.

The expo has drawn more than 50 companies and organisations from different parts of the world, displaying their products and services ranging from foodstuff to textiles and hair dyes.

The Sultanate is aiming to be a centre for halal certification. Annual market for the whole halal industry is US$560 billion while the halal food sector alone is estimated to be worth US$150 billion worldwide.

The first two days of the expo are not open to public, featuring seminars and business-matching activities. The event will be opened to the public from Wednesday onwards.

Many local businesses see the expo as an excellent platform to introduce their products and services both locally and internationally.

A distilled water product, 'Suci', is one of the local products that is on display and projecting the benefits of distilled water as compared to mineral or other types of waters.

According to its distributor, TLT Enterprise, unlike mineral water which contains inorganic substances that can accumulate in the body, distilled water is the purest and healthiest water to consume as it contains only water and is certainly halal.

TLT said it hopes to achieve HACCP and ISO certification to enable it to export its products.

For Laisyaa Global, an experienced product distributor, its spokesmen said their product, Mare's Milk Concoction, is an excellent health food and they are waiting to market it locally during the expo.

TAIB is one of the local financial institutions which are promoting their facilities and services at the expo.

TAIB Deposit of Certificate is not only Syariah compliant but offers better return and requires low minimum deposit. It also offers unlimited number of certificates per holder and is open to both Muslim and non-Muslims.

Local food producers also take the opportunity to introduce and enhance their products. Chilli sauce, 'Cinta', is among the locally produced foodstuff on display at the expo. Members of the public may get a chance to test some of these food items at the expo.

Local food outlets such as Saffron Café have opened booths at the expo. Saffron is one of the newest cafés in town offering halal mid-eastern and southeast Asian delicacies such as kebab. - Borneo Bulletin (8th Aug 2006)
