Doctorate for Crown Prince
By Lyna Mohammad

With the consent of His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam, HRH Prince Haji Al-Muhtadee Billah, the Crown Prince and Senior Minister at the Prime Minister's Office was awarded the Honorary Doctor of Literature.

His Majesty awarded the Crown Prince, who is also the Pro-Chancellor of UBD, yesterday at the 18th UBD Con-vocation ceremony at the Chancellor Hall.

HRH was awarded the Honorary Doctor of Literature due to his contributions not only to UBD and education in general but also to the nation's development as well as bringing glory to the country as a personal ambassador of His Majesty during official visits abroad and while receiving foreign dignitaries in audience.

HRH's assets are his natural talent that he has inherited from his late grandfather, Sultan Haji Sir Omar Ali Saifuddien, and his father, His Majesty, the education he received in the palace, in school and higher education institutions.

HRH was appointed as the Pro-Chancellor of UBD on September 16, 1998, in conjunction with the 10th Convocation ceremony.

The appointment was an honour and recognition by the university for his involvement in affairs related with higher education institutions in the country.

As the Pro-Chancellor, HRH drew closer and played significant roles towards the establishment of the university, particularly as an encouragement to students and graduates of UBD to further advance in the fields of academic and other activities.

HRH always provides encouragement to the university's activities such as Pesta Konvos as well as personally presenting certificates and diplomas to graduates at the Convocation ceremony every year.

In international relations, HRH frequently visits Asean, Europe, US, Middle East and Far East countries to strengthen Brunei's ties and has been in the forefront to elevate Brunei's image in the eyes of the world.

The Crown Prince has held discussions and exchanged views on current events and has taken in depth views of the education system in the respective countries, showing special interest especially in the development of education at higher education institutions and universities.

The knowledge and experience he has gained from these visits generates a positive thinking for the Pro-Chancellor towards monitoring the development of UBD. - Borneo Bulletin (5th September 2006)
