By Lyna Mohammad
Her Majesty Raja Isteri Pengiran Anak Hajah Saleha and Her Royal Highness Pg Isteri Azrinaz Hakim Mazhar last night consented to grace the Majlis Malam Berinai for Pg Anak Hjh Huda Bahaaul Bulqiah Pg Indera Setia Diraja Sahibul Karib Pg Anak Hj Idris, the daughter of His Majesty's younger sister HRH Princess Hjh Amal Umi Kalthum Al-Islam.
Also gracing the ceremony were HRH Pg Anak Isteri Pg Anak Hjh Zariah, HRH Princess Hjh Masna, HRH Princess Hjh Noor Ehsani and other members of the royal family. The Majlis Malam Berinai or more commonly known as Majlis Berpacar is a traditional ritual prior to a wedding whereby designated personages paste grind henna leaves on palms of the bride and groom.
Held at Baitun Na'aim, the residence of HRH Princess Hjh Amal Umi Kalthum, the Berinai was conducted shortly after the bride was led into the ceremonial hall by several Juru Bini followed by Pahawai women carrying traditional ornaments.
Once the bride was seated at the Pelamin (wedding dais), Her Majesty then consented to lead the Berinai ceremony followed by HRH Pg Isteri Azrinaz and other members of the royal family as well as parents of the groom.
The wedding ceremony of Pg Anak Hjh Huda Bahaaul Bulqiah to Pg Hj Mohamed Suhaimi Pg Penggawa Laila Bentara Istiadat Diraja Dalam Istana Pg Hj Alauddin will take place this afternoon.
- Borneo Bulletin
(27th Apr 2006)