Royal call to follow Isra' Me'raj teachings
By Lyna Mohammad

With charitable acts on the decline amidst a period full of challenges, His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam said the time is right to highlight and appreciate the teachings of Isra' Me'raj.

His Majesty made the titah at the Isra' Me'raj 1427H celebration yesterday at the Tutong Civic Centre.

The monarch said undoubtedly, Muslims now are witnessing a culture shock where values, noble acts and morals are badly affected following an unpredictable wave of development.

The world and the people are advancing, His Majesty said adding that development is usually measured through inventions and the more sophisticated the invention is the more it is considered advanced.

And the more advanced humans are the more eroded their values become towards life and properties, said His Majesty.

"Looking at the new era of warfare, those who are powerful will simply drop bombs and guided missiles on targets that are not supposed to be targeted such as residential areas, public buildings, markets, airports, bridges, highways and farms which are places for people to earn a living," said the ruler.

"All these are due to the superb advancement in weaponry and such advancement seems to victimise civilisation and human beings themselves. But as Muslims we need to look at the situation with a conscious mind and not by following it and reflect on our holy religion that has provided us with perfect guidelines.

"The Isra' Me'raj event has taught us to be more confident and patient no matter what, as this can be seen from the amazing 'Masithah' story," said His Majesty.

"To Muslims as well as non-Muslims, those who are brutalised and hurt, we extend our condolences. We, as the ones that are not affected by cruelty and pain, must pity those who are and extend our assistance to those that are affected," the monarch said.

"I have therefore convinced members of OIC (Organisation of the Islamic Conference) that the nation, God willing, is ready to extend any form of assistance to stop the war in Lebanon," His Majesty added.

To sympathise with the Muslim community anywhere that is currently being affected by any form of disaster, His Majesty has ordered for the 'Hajat' prayer and the recital of 'Qunut Nazilah' on Friday.

Performing these will also benefit us, as it is known that when we pray for the safety of others, angels will in return pray for us. And praying to Allah the Almighty for our brothers in Islam is an act that is praised, said His Majesty.

The teachings brought by the events of Isra' Me'raj are enough to enrich us with god's guidance that we need. The religious strength that is diminishing needs to be filled with Isra' Me'raj teachings.

"If we are ready to accept and appreciate the teachings, God willing, the building of Muslims and its civilisation can be expected," said His Majesty.

"Thus we should not only read and recall Isra' Me'raj events every year but most importantly use it as a guideline. The teachings will bring security and strength to the Muslims community," he said. - Borneo Bulletin (22nd August 2006)
