Also in the itinerary of state visit to Qatar, His Majesty consented to attend a briefing on the economy and development projects of Qatar.
His Majesty was greeted prior to the briefing by the Minister of Finance, Economy and Industry of Qatar, His Excellency Yousuf Hussein; the Principal of ASHGHAL, Engineer Zayed Mansoor Al-Khayarin; the Assistant General Manager of Technical Affairs of the Public Works Department, Engineer Ahmad Sultan Al-Kuwary and the Chief Executive Officer of Qatari Diar, Nasser Hassan Al-Ansari.
Ashghal Company which is also known as the Public Works Authority of Qatar, is a freelance body established to oversee all infrastructure projects and public facilities in Qatar. Qatari Diar is a property investment company owned by the Qatar Economy and Investment Council which encourages the development of property and investment opportunities in the country.
His Majesty also reviewed several models of development and investment projects which have been planned and are being implemented under the two companies. These include the construction of highways, the irrigation system, hospitals, schools, recreational parks, sports village, ports, hotels and golf courses.
(17th Apr 2006)